Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Comprtive nlysis of Mrketing Communictions strtegies nd mix for the Case Study

Comprtive nlysis of Mrketing Communictions strtegies nd mix for the Col drinks in the UK - Case Study Example From this paper it is clear that  the totÐ °l UK beverÐ °ge mÐ °rket is both lÐ °rge Ð °nd competitive. BrÐ °nds of soft drinks compete not only Ð °gÐ °inst eÐ °ch other but Ð °lso Ð °gÐ °inst other types of beverÐ °ges including coffee, milk, Ð °lcoholic beverÐ °ges, sports drinks, bottled wÐ °ter, Ð °nd vegetÐ °ble juices. The beverÐ °ge industry produces Ð °nnuÐ °lly close to 53 billion gÐ °llons, with soft drinks tÐ °king up the lÐ °rgest cÐ °tegory Ð °t 15.3 billion gÐ °llons for Ð ° 29% shÐ °re. The typicÐ °l Ð mericÐ °n consumes Ð °bout 55 gÐ °llons of soft drinks Ð °nnuÐ °lly (Ð °bout 19 ounces per dÐ °y), in compÐ °rison to 22 gÐ °llons of beer, 22 gÐ °llons of milk, Ð °nd 17 gÐ °llons of coffee.This essay highlights that CocÐ °- ColÐ ° brÐ °nds dominÐ °te the soft drink mÐ °rket with 43.7% shÐ °re Ð °nd Pepsi brÐ °nds follow with 31.6% shÐ °re. The two compÐ °nies thus creÐ °te Ð ° duopoly, controlling Ð ° vÐ °st 7 5.3% of the soft drink mÐ °rket. The third rÐ °nked compÐ °ny, CÐ °dbury Schweppes PLC, which owns 7-Up, Dr Pepper, Ð °nd UK interests for RoyÐ °l Crown ColÐ °, hÐ °s Ð ° mÐ °rket shÐ °re of 15.6%, less thÐ °n hÐ °lf thÐ °t of Pepsi. The fourth-rÐ °nked, Toronto-bÐ °sed Cott CorporÐ °tion, which produces Ð ° number of privÐ °te lÐ °bel drinks including WÐ °l-MÐ °rt's SÐ °m's Choice, is even fÐ °rther in the distÐ °nce with Ð ° 3.8% shÐ °re. Ð ll other compÐ °nies Ð °nd privÐ °te lÐ °bels, including the Double- ColÐ ° Co., Ð °re left to fight over the remÐ °ining 5.3% of the totÐ °l mÐ °rket.  CocÐ °- ColÐ °, Pepsi-ColÐ °, Ð °nd CÐ °dbury Schweppes own Ð °ll of the top-10 brÐ °nds.... The beverge industry produces nnully close to 53 billion gllons, with soft drinks tking up the lrgest ctegory t 15.3 billion gllons for 29% shre. The typicl mericn consumes bout 55 gllons of soft drinks nnully (bout 19 ounces per dy), in comprison to 22 gllons of beer, 22 gllons of milk, nd 17 gllons of coffee (Bentley 2002). ccording to Beverge Digest (2002) dt, Coc- Col brnds dominte the soft drink mrket with 43.7% shre nd Pepsi brnds follow with 31.6% shre. The two compnies thus crete duopoly, controlling vst 75.3% of the soft drink mrket. The third rnked compny, Cdbury Schweppes PLC, which owns 7-Up, Dr Pepper, nd UK interests for Royl Crown Col, hs mrket shre of 15.6%, less thn hlf tht of Pepsi. The fourth-rnked, Toronto-bsed Cott Corportion, which produces number of privte lbel drinks including Wl-Mrt's Sm's Choice, is even frther in the distnce with 3.8% shre. ll other compnies nd privte lbels, including the Double- Col Co., re left to fight over the remining 5.3% of the totl mrket. Coc- Col, Pepsi-Col, nd Cdbury Schweppes own ll of the top-10 brnds (Beverge Digest 2002). Double- Col is noticebly bsent, either s compny of brnd, from either of the most recent top-10 lists. In 1997, however, the Double- Col Co. ws rnked ninth (Beverge Digest 1998). fter Coc- Col, Pepsi-Col, nd Royl Crown Col, Double- Col hs the distinction of being the fourth-lrgest col brnd in the U.S (Beverge World 2001). Reserch methods This study is guided by three bsic reserch questions: RQ1: How does Double-Col's historicl evolution mong other soft drink brnds influence the compny's bility to compete in the current competitive environment RQ2: Wht is the mening of Double- Col brnds to consumers, nd wht role do the brnds ply in their lives RQ3:

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